Embroiderer's Progress Quilt Block 40: Teatime on Christmas

Block 40 of the Embroiderer’s Progress Quilt: Teatime on Christmas.

Around Christmastime last year, I got it in my head to make all sorts of handmade ornaments for my little tree. I thought it would be awesome for this to be one of them. It didn’t quite work out. So, I had it kicking around until I got the idea for the quilt. Unfortunately, some of these Kreinik silks bleed when you test them for washability… after gazing in horror at the pink haze around this Christmasy design, I realized what I had to do: hide the pink. Two teabags and two hours later, I had a nice antiqued-looking piece with little sign of the pink.

2.5x3”, Kreinik twisted silk on linen, November 2010.

You may also want to read the overview of the Embroiderer’s Progress quilt or view all posts related to the quilt.